Vale – Ralph McQuarrie
Star Wars legend Ralph McQuarrie has passed away.

Star Wars legend Ralph McQuarrie has passed away. Mr McQuarrie was a conceptual designer on George Lucas’ original sci-fi trilogy, designing virtually everything from characters to sets and minutia inbetween. His influence on pop culture is profound, having designed the look of Darth Vader, C3PO and R2D2 among many others. While it is for his work on Star Wars that McQuarrie is perhaps best known today, he also worked on projects for fellow Hollywood alum Steven Spielberg, on Close Encounters Of the Third Kind, ET: The Extra Terrestrial, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Jurassic Park, as well as the Spielberg-produced Cocoon, *batteries not included, and one of the more popular Star Trek films, The Voyage Home.
Ralph McQuarrie passed away on March 2nd, aged 82.
This guys immagination is going to be sorely missed.