From the Editor – Site Update


Bit of sad news today folks!

This week I am commencing work on my latest project, Urban Golf, or at least the scripting stage of it. Also, next month, my wife, the gorgeous Lisa T, is going to give birth to our first child! Life is going to be getting a little hectic.

Which means I am going to be quite busy over the next few months, if not longer. So, what does this mean for the site? Well, we’ll certainly be continuing to review films, and uploading them here, just not on such a regular basis. While the downturn of stuff coming online here at the site will hopefully not last too long, we aim to be back up and running at full tilt eventually.

I also have to let you all know that the Secret Squirrel will be taking a little break from writing for the site. After a busy few months, the Squirrel has decided that another child coming into their family as well is just a little too much to take on to keep writing for us as well! So we wish the Secret One good luck with impending parenthood (again) and we hope all goes well.

I will attempt to keep you updated with all our regular goings-on around the place, especially our major reviews of Star Trek and Transformers 2, which will be released later this year. Also, we’re jumping on the Avatar bandwagon, which is the next major film from director James Cameron. We’ll be bringing you any news about this potential mega-hit as we get closer to it’s December release into cinemas.

So, while we’re not disappearing completely, we’re certainly not going to be able to bring you our non-stop reviews each day as we have over the last year. If you want to stay in touch with us, please remember to register with the website, and we’ll email you an update each time we upload something to the site.

Both Mick Kubler and I are going to be working on Urban Golf, so check out his website as well for any updates that may keep you in the loop. Don’t forget that our DVD of Schoolyard Justice is now available to purchase, if you so desire you can pick up the DVD by dropping us a line at the official website:

Rodney T – Director, Fernby Films.

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1 thought on “From the Editor – Site Update

  1. Hey Rodney.

    Well it was expected, and I did suggest slowing the reviews some time back.

    Hopefully you'll at least do the odd review every now and then, especially of the good films.

    I am looking forward getting some work done on UG once the 2nd draft is finished and we can do a sample scene, and storyboards.

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