Schoolyard Justice – Update #5


Just a quick update on the progress of Schoolyad Justice. This week, I will be meeting with Ryan Kris for further discussions on the music for the film, which is coming along well. On March 9th, further pickup filming will take place, as well as more ADR and Foley work with our main cast.

The current plan is to complete the film by mid April at the latest, with a premiere after Lisa and my trip to Europe, sometime in June.

The film is really looking good, I am quite happy with it, there’s just a few things to tinker with to get just right, before releasing it into the world.

Anyway, watch this space for updates on SYJ, or check the SYJ website (link in console to the right) for more info.

Plus, check out Micks blog regarding news on the new Knight Rider TV show. Sounds like it will actually be good!!!

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1 thought on “Schoolyard Justice – Update #5

  1. Thanks for update, and link back Rodney 😀

    Fingers crossed we get the last bits of SYJ done before you go overseas, then I'll be able to work out the submissions to film festivals, organising web hosting mirroring, and sponsorship.

    We'll probably have to make up some press releases, etc…

    The work seems to never end. But at least the film will be finished soon 😀

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