Road To The Oscars: Welcome To Oscars Week!


Hi folks! Welcome to Oscar Week!!

Next Monday (the 29th, Australian Time) will see the global broadcast of the 88th Academy Awards, hosted by Chris Rock. Which means, as we’ve done for a few years now, the week preceding the show will feature reviews of the Oscar nominees for Best Picture – or at least, the ones we haven’t reviewed in months prior to now. As usual, you’ll find all the information pertaining to this year’s Oscars on our dedicated page, including updated links to the films we review this week (as they come live, we’ll link them up) as well as the results and information about all the other awards thus far in Hollywood’s annual season of self congratulation.

Throughout the week, we’ll not only give you our opinion on the Best Picture nominees, but also some of the films which will see Oscar action in other categories, and maybe one or two that (inexplicably) won’t. On Oscar morning we’ll be publishing our hugely anticipated (ha!) list of who we think will win and why, so keep an eye on that in about 7 days time. If we can, we’ll also try putting up some OpEd pieces on Oscar stuff (perhaps a recalculation on #OscarsSoWhite…) so continue to check back with us for all the latest Oscar news. Any significant developments in the Oscar race will be covered as it arises (if anything), and you’ll find it linked at our main 88th Academy Awards page here.

So commencing tomorrow, we kick off the first of our reviews with The Revenant, currently the hot favourite to take home Best Picture, and Sicario, a film which has been left out of the Oscar race in both Directing and Picture category for some inexplicable reason. Check out our reviews tomorrow, and of course throughout the week!

Enjoy the week, and don’t forget to join us back here Monday morning (Australian time), February 29th, for Oscar day!

Rodney T

EIC – Fernby Films

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