Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year everyone!

Welcome to the first day of 2015! The first day of the year that’s going to be the biggest in Hollywood history (apparently).

While we have the Oscars as the climax of the 2014/15 awards season on February 22nd, following that we lurch straight into the blockbuster time of the year, and no less a film than The Avengers: Age Of Ultron is due to be released in May. Surrounding that are a bevvy of tentpole releases all designed to drag in boffo box-office coin, and we’ll have a handle on this year’s squadron of sequels, flotilla of flotsam, and barrage of blockbusting entertainment for you to keep track of all that’s going on. Commencing in April, we kick off a “Box Office Tracker” series to take us all the way through to the end of August, and we’ll keep a running tab on the biggest box-office earners this winter season (yeah, it’s summer in the US, but it’s winter here Down Under…).

Through January and February, however, we’ll be going full tilt on our Oscar coverage, including all the major awards ceremonies leading up to Feb 22nd! You can keep track of all our articles via our dedicated Oscar page in the sidebar to the right! And as the Oscars get closer, we’ll be making sure we have our reviews of all the Best Picture nominees up and ready to go!

Tomorrow, however, we crank up our review of 2014’s monster success, Guardians Of The Galaxy. Following the success of Captain America: The Winter Soldier earlier in 2014, Guardians’ success wasn’t as secure as a known property – Marvel took a big risk – so we’ll check out how well it paid off. Stick around for that. Also, we’re hoping to have our review of the third (and final) Hobbit movie, The Battle of The Five Armies, up in the next week, so keep an eye out for our thoughts of Jackson’s grand conclusion in Middle Earth!

After that, we’re into a load of more new reviews, as we count down to February 22nd. Until then, have a terrific and safe 2015, and may all your movie watching be fruitful!

Rodney T – EIC Fernby Films

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