From the Editor – Site update!!


Howdy folks! Just wanted to mention quickly the father spiffy new site update that took place this past weekend, with many thanks to our trusty website master, Mick Kubler. The new title banner and various other miscellany will serve to spruce up the website a little, hopefully make it more slick and appealing as a professional place to check out film stuff!!! A big thanks to Mick, for all his work (as usual, none of it is my doing!) and for keeping us on the straight and narrow, ie, up and running.

We all know that the new Twilight movie is coming out here in Australia next week; New Moon, for those of you not quite up to speed. My lovely wife, Lisa, is off to see it with a friend and there’s every chance I’ll be relegated to babysitting duty for that, so I won’t be able to bring you my review of it: but I may ask Lisa to give me her thoughts and bring them to you in due course!!! Stay tuned for that one later next week.

Anyway, there’s not much else to report at the moment, so I’ll sign off and go back to whatever it was I was doing!

Rodney T – Director, Fernby Films.

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