The 87th Academy Awards – Welcome to Oscar week!!


In case you’re living under a rock, or know nothing of the world, next weekend sees the broadcast worldwide of the 87th Academy Awards from Los Angeles, California. In the lead-up to this auspicious event, once more we’re setting up a review of all the Oscar Best Picture nominated films for the 2014 calendar year. Each day this week, we’ll feature a review of the nominated films for you to catch up on exactly what we think of each film. [Grand Budapest Hotel was reviewed earlier in 2014, so we’ve provided a link to that post in our Oscar Coverage page – Ed.] Not only that, but we’ve added the Best Picture nominees list to our official Oscar Page (sidebar, look to the right) for quick linkage in the coming days.

Also during this week, we’ll have some editorial retrospectives and opinion articles on Hollywood’s current state of affairs, as well as our selections for the big awards (where we think we’ll actually get things right this year!) and, following Monday’s show, our traditional wrap-up of our thoughts from the ceremony. Yes, this week is going to be busier than a Kardashian at a paparazzi convention, so make sure you check back daily for all the great reviews and news as we count down the final days to the 87th Academy Awards.

Rodney T – EIC Fernby Films

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