I am BACK!!!

Hooray, Lisa and I have returned from Europe, fresh and rested, ready to plunge back into work and the daily grind of life! I have plenty of photos to show you all, so keep an eye out in the coming weeks for additions to the site (each page will appear in the sidebar to the right) —->.

Of the thousands of photos we took, they will be separated into specific locations (ie Paris, London etc etc) for ease of reference.

Some will include photos of either Lisa or myself (or both of us together) but many will merely be scenery shots, so if you see a photo you like feel free to download and use, but please, if you do, ensure you attribute the photo to Fernby Films, and do not use for commercial gain.

Anyway, a more detailed report will appear as soon as I get over this darn annoying jetlag.

Who wrote this?